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中英對照讀新聞》 University of Kentucky mistakenly sends 500,000 acceptances 肯塔基大學誤寄50萬封錄取通知函

中英對照讀新聞》 University of Kentucky mistakenly sends 500,000 acceptances 肯塔基大學誤寄50萬封錄取通知函



The University of Kentucky mistakenly sent acceptance emails to 500,000 high school seniors for a program that usually accepts about three dozen students a year.


The school followed up with another email less than 24 hours later and apologized for its mistake, citing a “technical issue.”


“Only a handful of those on the prospect list had been admitted to UK,” UK spokesman said. “The vast majority had not, nor had the vast majority of these students expressed an interest in the program of clinical

leadership and management program in the College of Health Sciences.”


Mary Dougherty, a senior from San Antonio, Texas, received the email. “I was like, ’Mom, I just got accepted into the University of Kentucky.’ And she’s like, ’Oh, I didn’t know you applied to University of Kentucky.’ And I was like, ’oh, I did not.’”(AP)



mistakenly:副詞,錯誤地。例句:I mistakenly preserved a double room for the two couples.(我誤訂一間雙人房給這兩對夫妻。)

senior:名詞,前輩;高年級生。例句:In the past, freshmen and juniors had to obey their seniors.(以前,低年級和中年級生必須聽學長姊的話。)

prospect:名詞,有希望的候選人。例句:A few more prospects for this job will be interviewed later.(之後還會面試幾名該工作的候選人。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》 University of Kentucky mistakenly sends 500,000 acceptances 肯塔基大學誤寄50萬封錄取通知函