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中英對照讀新聞》UK weighs ban on boiling live lobsters 英國考慮禁止活煮龍蝦

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The United Kingdom is weighing a ban on boiling live lobsters, crabs and other crustaceans amid a push from animal welfare activists to include the invertebrates in legislation that would recognize them as sentient beings.


At present the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill, which is making its way through the House of Lords, covers only vertebrates — animals that have a backbone.


Though the legislation currently only includes vertebrates, lawmakers are weighing expanding it to include invertebrates such as lobsters, as well as octopuses and mussels, according to The Times .


The legislation comes as the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said it has commissioned a study to examine the creature’s sentience.



weigh:動詞,仔細考慮,權衡,斟酌。例句:He weighed the ideas in his mind.(他在腦中權衡著些想法。)

sentient:形容詞,有知覺的;有感情的。例句: Man is a sentient being.(人是有感覺的生物。)

commission:動詞,委託、安排。例句:The politician commissioned me to write a biography for him.(這位政治人物委託我替他撰寫傳記。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》UK weighs ban on boiling live lobsters 英國考慮禁止活煮龍蝦

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