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《中英對照讀新聞》Passenger survives being hit in the head by flying turtle 被飛來的烏龜砸中頭的乘客死裡逃生

  • 新聞




It’s not unusual for rocks and other debris to crash through a windshield and injure a driver or passenger – but a turtle?


A 71-year-old woman riding with her daughter on Florida’s Interstate 95 suffered a gashed forehead when a turtle smashed through the windshield of their car, striking her.


The daughter pulled over and got help from another motorist.


The gash drew a lot of blood, but the mother was not seriously hurt. The turtle was likely crossing the interstate and got knocked into the air by another vehicle.


“My mom has the worst luck of anything,” the daughter told the 911 operator as she tended to her injured mother.


The turtle, on the other hand, had the best luck of anything. It just had a few scratches on its shell and was released back into the nearby woods.(AP)



windshield:名詞,擋風玻璃。例句:Bricks falling from the building hit the windshield of the car.(從大樓掉下來的磚頭砸到車子的擋風玻璃。)

gash:名詞,深長的傷口;動詞,劃破。例句:She gashed her arm when she stumbled.(她跌倒時,手臂劃出一道很深的傷口。)

tend:動詞,照料(人或事)。例句:He carefully tends to his ill child.(他仔細地照顧生病的孩子。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:《中英對照讀新聞》Passenger survives being hit in the head by flying turtle 被飛來的烏龜砸中頭的乘客死裡逃生

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