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中英對照讀新聞》After Going ’Free of L.G.B.T.,’ a Polish Town Pays a Price 波蘭小鎮為「LGBT止步」付出代價




When Krasnik councilors adopted a resolution two years ago declaring their small town in southeastern Poland “free of L.G.B.T.,” the mayor didn’t see much harm in what appeared to be a symbolic and legally pointless gesture.


Today, he’s scrambling to contain the damage.


It has jeopardized millions of dollars in foreign funding and, Mayor Wojciech Wilk said, turned “our town into a synonym for homophobia,” which he insisted was not accurate.


A French town last year severed a partnership with Krasnik in protest. And Norway, from which the mayor had hoped to get nearly $10 million starting this year to finance development projects, said in September that it would not give grants to any Polish town that declares itself “free of L.G.B.T.”



free of something:片語,使擺脫…,免於…,沒有…。例句:The newly appointed chief of executive vowed to build a workplace free of racial discrimination.(新任命的執行長誓言打造一個無歧視的工作環境。)

pay a/the price:慣用語,付出代價。例句:He will definitely pay the price for cheating on his wife for such a long time.(他終究會為多年外遇而付出代價。)


華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》After Going ’Free of L.G.B.T.,’ a Polish Town Pays a Price 波蘭小鎮為「LGBT止步」付出代價

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