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中英對照讀新聞》Identical twin babies delivered by identical twin nurses 同卵雙胞胎護士接生同卵雙胞胎嬰兒

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A pair of identical twin girls were welcomed into the world by identical twin nurses working in their delivery room in Athens, Georgia at Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center.


The twin nurses, Tori Howard and Tara Drinkard, in Athens, Georgia at Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center, helped deliver the babies, Addison and Emma Williams by chance.


The newborns’ father, Brannan Williams, said he was really nervous about going into the delivery room, but when he heard there would be twins assisting the birth, he felt a bit more relaxed.


Their mother Rebecca also works at the hospital, so he’s sure their family and the nurses will stay in touch.




by chance:慣用語,未事先計畫,碰巧,偶然,意外。例句:I met her at the supermarket by chance yesterday.(我昨天碰巧在超市遇到她。)

stay in touch:慣用語,維持聯繫,亦可做為非正式的告別招呼語。基本上同keep in touch。例句:Students in this boarding school often stayed in touch with their family once a week through a messenger app.(這所寄宿學校的學生通常每週一次透過1款即時通app與家人聯繫。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Identical twin babies delivered by identical twin nurses 同卵雙胞胎護士接生同卵雙胞胎嬰兒

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