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中英對照讀新聞》The Taliban Influenced Toyota’s 2022 Resale Policy 神學士影響了豐田汽車2022年的轉售規定

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Toyota’s offerings are not only popular with the Taliban but also Al Qaeda and ISIS. If you’re wondering why these individuals can’t get enough of these Japanese vehicles, it has a lot to do with the need to traverse the extremely rough terrain found in the Middle East.


Additionally, they also understand that they need a vehicle that can be easily modified to accommodate weapons, shuttle soldiers, and be quick on its feet. Unfortunately, both the Hilux and the Land Cruiser check these boxes, which is why we see so many technicals with 50 caliber machine guns on the back.

此外,他們還明白,他們需要一輛能輕易改裝的車輛,好容納武器、穿梭士兵,並能快速反應。不幸的是,Hilux與Land Cruiser都符合這些需求,這也是為什麼我們會看見許多改裝車背後,搭載了50口徑的機槍。

Toyota would very much like to stop their vehicles from ending up in conflict zones. To prevent this, they’ve decided that they need to prohibit terror sympathizers from getting these vehicles to them in the first place.



traverse:動詞,穿越、橫越。例句:The new ship uses AI and energy from the sun to independently traverse the ocean.(這艘新船使用人工智慧與太陽能獨立橫越重洋。)

accommodate:動詞,容納。例句:My phone needs more storage space to accommodate those files.(我的手機需要更多儲存空間,以容納這些檔案。)


華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》The Taliban Influenced Toyota’s 2022 Resale Policy 神學士影響了豐田汽車2022年的轉售規定

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