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中英對照讀新聞》Banksy shows off his British seaside ’spraycation’ 班克西炫耀他的英國海邊「噴漆渡假」

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Banksy, Britain’s most famous street artist, on Friday confirmed what many had already suspected - that he is indeed the author of a number of works that have appeared recently in British seaside towns.


An Instagram video clip, just over three minutes long and entitled “A Great British Spraycation”, shows the elusive artist taking a summer road trip in a beat-up camper van with cans of spray paint stashed in a cooler.


In one work on the concrete sea-defence wall of a British beach, a rat lounges in a deckchair, sipping a cocktail.


In another, sticking to the seaside theme, a mechanical claw dangles above a public bench - as if anyone who sits there is about to be plucked up like a prize in an arcade game. (AFP)



beat-up,形容詞,破舊的。例句:Should I replace my beat-up car ?(我該換掉我那部破舊的車嗎?)

lounge:動詞,(放鬆、慵懶地)站或坐臥休息。例句:He was lounging on the sofa.(他慵懶地坐在沙發上。)

stick to:片語,堅持、忠於、遵守。例句:Please stick to the point.(請不要離題。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Banksy shows off his British seaside ’spraycation’ 班克西炫耀他的英國海邊「噴漆渡假」

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