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中英對照讀新聞》Sleeping too little or too much can increase risk of getting dementia, study finds 研究:睡太少或太多都會升高失智症風險

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Older adults who sleep six hours or fewer a night may have elevated risk for dementia and other cognitive issues, a new study finds.


Researchers at Stanford University measured seniors’ (ages 65 to 85) dementia risk and cognitive abilities, finding higher risk in those patients who regularly slept six or fewer hours compared to those who slept seven or eight hours.


Those seniors who slept nine or more hours also had lower cognitive functions and other health issues, but the researchers didn’t find the same high dementia risk in this group.


The findings demonstrate how important it is for adults to maintain a healthy sleep cycle, especially as they get older.



dementia:醫學名詞,失智症。這一字源自拉丁語,de的字首為「遠離」,而 mens是「心智」的意思。全球華人社會對於dementia之譯法為「癡呆症」,台灣是第一個將dementia正名為「失智症」之國家,取代過去「老年癡呆」的蔑稱。

elevate:動詞,提升, 增加, 抬高。例句:Coffee always helped elevate her mood, even on difficult days. (咖啡總是能夠提振她的心情,特別是在很糟糕的日子裡。)

cognitive:形容詞,感知的;認知的;認識力的。例句:Some of her cognitive functions have been impaired.(她的部分認知能力受到損害。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Sleeping too little or too much can increase risk of getting dementia, study finds 研究:睡太少或太多都會升高失智症風險

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