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中英對照讀新聞》Scientists are potty-training cows in a bid to help save the planet為拯救地球科學家訓練乳牛如廁

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If you can potty-train a child, you can potty-train a cow. At least, that was the theory a group of researchers in Germany decided to test, in a bid to find a solution to the environmental damage caused by livestock waste.


“It’s usually assumed that cattle are not capable of controlling defecation or urination,” said Jan Langbein, co-author of a study published Monday in the journal Current Biology.


Farmed cattle produce roughly 66-88 pounds of feces and 8 gallons of urine each day and are free to relieve themselves where they please. However, the spread of their waste into the soil can have negative effects on the environment.


The main question for Langbein, an animal psychologist at the Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) in Germany, and his team was: “Why shouldn’t (cattle) be able to learn how to use a toilet? Animals are quite clever, and they can learn a lot.” Langbein said in a statement.



in a bid to:片語,為了、試圖。例句:The boy stays away from the tent in a bid to give the girl some privacy.(男孩站得離帳篷遠遠的,好讓女孩有一點隱私。)

relieve oneself:原意是「放鬆自己」,俚語中則是「上廁所」的委婉說法。其他同義的婉稱還有︰go to the men’s(ladie’s)room/restroom/washroom 或wash one’s hands。

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Scientists are potty-training cows in a bid to help save the planet為拯救地球科學家訓練乳牛如廁

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