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中英對照讀新聞》Japan’s top court rules couples must use the same surname 日本最高法院裁定夫妻必須同姓




Japan’s top court on Wednesday threw out a challenge by three couples who wanted to keep their own surnames after marriage, ruling that laws stipulating Japanese couples must choose one family name were constitutional, according to local media.


It’s not the first time this debate has come up - the Supreme Court rejected a similar lawsuit in 2015, filed by five plaintiffs who wanted to make it easier for women to keep their maiden names.


The 19th century law doesn’t specify which spouse should change their surname, but an overwhelming majority of women take their husband’s.


Many women, gender equality experts, and even a United Nations committee have called these laws outdated and called for change



throw out:慣用語,丟棄,扔掉;拒絕接受,否決(計劃或想法);拒絕受理(案件)。例句:The government threw out the penal’s recommendations on COVID-19 booster vaccines.(政府不接受小組委員會針對武漢肺炎疫苗加強針的建議。)

specify:動詞,明確指出,具體說明。例句:Please specify your question.(請具體說明你的問題。)


華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Japan’s top court rules couples must use the same surname 日本最高法院裁定夫妻必須同姓

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