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中英對照讀新聞》Sorry ’Is Not Enough’ 道歉’還不夠’

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◎ 國際新聞中心

Sorry is not enough for the Afghan survivors of an errant U.S. drone strike that killed 10 members of their family, including seven children.


Emal Ahmadi, whose 3-year-old daughter Malika was killed on Aug. 29, when the U.S. hellfire missile struck his elder brother’s car, told The Associated Press on Saturday that the family demands Washington investigate who fired the drone and punish the military personnel responsible for the strike.


“That is not enough for us to say sorry,” said Ahmadi. He said the family is also seeking financial compensation for their losses and demanded that several members of the family be relocated to a third country, without specifying which country.


Even as evidence mounted to the contrary, Pentagon officials asserted that the strike had been conducted correctly, to protect the U.S. troops remaining at Kabul’s airport ahead of the final pullout the following day, on Aug. 30.



errant:形容詞,錯誤的、漂泊的、出軌的、誤入歧途的。例句:Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives.(他的接案通常包括誤入歧途的丈夫和出軌的妻子)


華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Sorry ’Is Not Enough’ 道歉’還不夠’

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