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中英對照讀新聞》A direction home: Bob Dylan album returned 48 years late 家的方向:遲到48年才歸還的巴布狄倫專輯

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After nearly five decades of blowin’ in the wind, a Bob Dylan album finally has a direction home: A man living in San Francisco has mailed the vinyl back to an Ohio library 48 years after it was supposed to be returned.


Howard Simon recently sent the album along with a letter to Heights Libraries apologizing for his tardiness.


Simon checked out Dylan’s “Self Portrait” album in 1973 as an eighth-grader. He says he found it between two other Dylan albums in his personal vinyl collection.


“As a recent retiree, I turn my attention to some of the many vignettes of life that by dint of career and family have been neglected,” Simon wrote in the letter.


Simon also sent the library a $175 replacement fee.


“We don’t charge overdue fines anymore-as long as we get the item back,” said branch manager Sara Phillips. I’d said we can now call it even.”(AP)



Tardiness:名詞,拖延。例句:Please excuse the tardiness of mine. I will return your book by tomorrow.(請原諒我拖延,明天前會把書還您。)

Vignette:名詞,短文;小插曲。例句:His vignettes of country life are widely acclaimed.(他寫鄉下生活的短文被盛讚。)

Call it even:片語,扯平。例句:Let’s call it even and stop quarreling.(我們算是扯平,別再爭吵了。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》A direction home: Bob Dylan album returned 48 years late 家的方向:遲到48年才歸還的巴布狄倫專輯

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