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中英對照讀新聞》Danish artist loaned $84,000 by museum keeps cash, says it’s art 丹麥藝術家把博物館8萬4000美元借款據為己有 稱這是藝術

  • 新聞




A Danish museum loaned an artist 534,000 kroner ($84,000) in cash to recreate old artworks of his using the banknotes, but he ended up pocketing the money and sending two blank canvasses with a new title: “Take the Money and Run”.


Jens Haaning, a Danish artist, was commissioned by the Kunsten Museum in the western city of Aalborg to reproduce two works using the cash - Danish kroner and euros - to represent the annual salary in Denmark and Austria.


But the museum’s director Lasse Andersson told AFP that “two days before the opening of the exhibition we got an email from Jens telling us he won’t be showing the works we agreed on”.


Andersson said he laughed out loud and decided to show the works anyway in the museum’s modern art exhibition that opened on September 24.


While the museum’s director has seen the funny side so far, he indicated that would only last until the end of the exhibition.



canvas:名詞, 帆布、帳篷、畫作、油畫。

commission:動詞,委託、授權代辦。You can commission them to paint something especially for you.(你可以委託他們為你特別畫些東西)

laugh out: 笑出來、哄笑。例句:I laugh out loud.(我笑出聲來)


華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Danish artist loaned $84,000 by museum keeps cash, says it’s art 丹麥藝術家把博物館8萬4000美元借款據為己有 稱這是藝術

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