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中英對照讀新聞》Danish police confiscate luxury sports car caught speeding 丹麥警方沒收超速的豪華跑車

  • 新聞




Danish police have confiscated a high-performance luxury car after its new owner was caught speeding as he drove it home from Germany to Norway.


The man, an Iraqi citizen resident in Norway who was not identified, was registered Thursday as driving at 236 kph in his Lamborghini Huracán on a stretch of highway where the top speed is 130 kph.


Under a new Danish law, police can seize the vehicles of reckless drivers and auction them off, with the money going into Danish coffers.


The Nordjyske newspaper said the man had bought the car hours earlier in Germany for 2 million kroner.


The car owner will also be fined for speeding in due course. (AP)



confiscate:動詞,指徵收、充公;形容詞,指被沒收的。例句:There was a stranger by my side confiscating my intellects and attention.(有個陌生人在我旁邊,害得我心不在焉。)

seize:動詞,指抓住、奪取、沒收、查獲、強烈情感或劇痛突然侵襲。例句:I was suddenly seized by a feeling of great insecurity and loneliness.(我突然感到一股不安全感和孤獨襲來。)

in due course:片語,指按規定日期、按正當程序、及時地在適當的時候、稍後。例句:She appeared in due course.(她在適當的時候出現了。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Danish police confiscate luxury sports car caught speeding 丹麥警方沒收超速的豪華跑車

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