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中英對照讀新聞》Thai monks’ livestream mixes Buddhism and jokes but not all are laughing 泰國僧侶直播攙雜佛教與笑話 但並非人人開懷

  • 新聞




Two Buddhist monks in Thailand have become social media stars with Facebook livestreams that combine traditional teachings with non-traditional jokes and giggles. Some of the country’s religious conservatives, however, are not so amused.


With an impressive fluency in youth slang, Phra Maha Paiwan Warawanno, 30, and Phra Maha Sompong Talaputto, 42, have captured the imagination of a generation who find the formal temple decorum and Sanskrit chanting of traditional Buddhism outdated and inaccessible.


“I want Dhamma and the young generation to coexist,” Paiwan told Reuters. “Without reaching out to the young, what will be the place of religion in the future?”


The two monks were summoned last month to a parliamentary committee on religion to explain their online activities, while senior government figures have warned them to tone down the jokes and “inappropriate behaviour.”



capture the imagination of :吸引注意、激發…的想像(力)。例句:They use puppets to capture the imagination of younger audiences.(他們利用木偶來激發年輕觀眾的想像力)


tone down:緩和、柔和。例句: Chinese state media toned down their criticism of the video game industry on Wednesday.(中國國營媒體週三緩和了對電子遊戲業的抨擊。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Thai monks’ livestream mixes Buddhism and jokes but not all are laughing 泰國僧侶直播攙雜佛教與笑話 但並非人人開懷

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