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中英對照讀新聞》Australian prison to be evacuated after mice move in老鼠大軍遷入 澳洲監獄被迫撤離

  • 新聞




A plague of mice that has ravaged vast swathes of eastern Australia has forced the evacuation of a prison while authorities repair gnawed electrical wiring and clear dead and decaying mice from walls and ceilings.


Around 200 staff and 420 inmates will be transferred from the Wellington Correctional Center in rural New South Wales state to other prisons in the region.


Millions of mice have caused havoc in the grain-growing region of Australia’s most populous state for months, devouring crops and haystacks as well as invading homes, businesses, schools, hospitals and prisons.


The most common complaint about the plague is an ever-present stench of mice urine and decaying flesh. People report being bitten by mice in bed. Mouse carcasses and excrement in roof guttering are polluting farmers’ water tanks and causing sickness.(AP)



Gnaw:動詞,啃咬。例句:A dog is lying on the ground, gnawing on a bone.(一隻狗正躺在地上啃骨頭。)

Stench:名詞,惡臭。例句:The stench of rotting fish permeated the kitchen.(魚肉腐爛的惡臭瀰漫整間廚房。)

Excrement:名詞,排泄物。例句:Animals’ excrement was scattered all over the ground.(動物糞便被撒得滿地都是。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Australian prison to be evacuated after mice move in老鼠大軍遷入 澳洲監獄被迫撤離

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