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中英對照讀新聞》Thailand prepares to welcome back tourists after devastating shutdown 災難性封城後 泰國準備歡迎觀光客回來

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Hotels, street food carts and tuk-tuks are gearing up for the return of tourists to Bangkok as Thailand prepares to re-open on November 1 to fully vaccinated visitors after 18 months of Covid travel curbs.


But the steamy metropolis, the world’s most visited city before the pandemic, will take some time to get back to its pulsating, intoxicating old self, industry experts say.


The coronavirus pandemic sent visitor numbers plummeting from 40 million in 2019 to just 73,000 in the first eight months of 2021 - leaving its tourism-reliant economy registering its worst performance in over two decades.


In a bid to cauterise the haemorrhaging economy, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha announced a phased plan for Thailand’s re-opening.



pulsating:形容詞,指活躍的、熱鬧的。pulsate為動詞,指(脈搏等)有規律的跳動、震動。例句:The lights pulsated with the music.(燈光隨著音樂跳動。)

cauterise:動詞,指(用烙鐵)炙燒(傷口等)以消毒、使麻木不仁。例句:To stop the patient from bleeding, the doctor had to use a hot iron to cauterize the wound.(為阻止病人流血,醫生不得不用熱熨斗來灼燒傷口。)

in a bid to:片語,指試圖。

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Thailand prepares to welcome back tourists after devastating shutdown 災難性封城後 泰國準備歡迎觀光客回來

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