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中英對照讀新聞》Researchers uncensor Marie Antoinette’s secret letters to Swedish count 研究人員揭開瑪麗安東尼給瑞典伯爵秘密情書遭塗黑內容

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New light has been shed on secret letters between Marie Antoinette and a man long rumored to be her lover, after scientists deciphered mysteriously redacted portions of their affectionate correspondence.


The French queen’s missives were composed during the revolutionary upheaval of the early 1790s. The wife of Louis XVI was able to smuggle out letters to her friend Axel von Fersen, a Swedish count.


Researchers used a novel method of X-ray imaging that was able to differentiate between the different compositions of ink used in the original text and the redactions.


In all they were able to reveal obscured passages from eight of the 15 letters studied, coming to the surprising conclusion that the censor of the letters was Fersen himself. (AFP)



shed (new) light on sth:片語,對某事物提供(進一步、更多)了解、解釋。例句:The new finding has shed some light on the problem.(這項新發現多少解釋了這個問題。)

affectionate:形容詞,充滿愛的、深情的。例句:He just gave her a affectionate kiss.(他剛給她深情的一吻。)

differentiate:動詞,使不同,區別。例句:It is not right to differentiate between people on the basis of their race.(因種族而對人差別待遇是不對的。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Researchers uncensor Marie Antoinette’s secret letters to Swedish count 研究人員揭開瑪麗安東尼給瑞典伯爵秘密情書遭塗黑內容

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