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中英對照讀新聞》Kusama’s pumpkin art missing but still draws visitors 少了草間的南瓜藝術裝置 遊客依然捧場

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Officials here in Naoshima, Kagawa Prefecture, are racking their brains over how to reinstall Yayoi Kusama’s “Yellow Pumpkin,” a tourist-luring piece of art that was badly damaged when it was washed away by Typhoon No. 9.


The pumpkin, 2 meters high and 2.5 meters wide, was installed at the tip of a pier jutting into the sea in 1994.


The harsh weather loosened the bolts anchoring the pumpkin to the pier. The artwork fell into the sea and crashed repeatedly into the pier before it was carried away by the waves.


It broke into three pieces, which eventually washed ashore and were retrieved.


But even with the absence of the pumpkin, the old pier is still attracting sightseers.



rack one’s brains:慣用語,為記起某人或事而絞盡腦汁,或為某事而大傷腦筋;搜腸刮肚。例句:I’ve been racking my brains all day but still can’t remember the actress’ name.(我搜腸刮肚了一整天,還是想不起來那女星叫啥名。)

wash away:慣用語,(水或雨水)沖走,沖掉。例句:Her house was washed away by the flood last year.(她的房子去年在洪澇時被沖走。)


華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Kusama’s pumpkin art missing but still draws visitors 少了草間的南瓜藝術裝置 遊客依然捧場

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