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中英對照讀新聞》Intel rethinking chips investment as Congress dithers on funding 由於國會在資金上猶豫不決,英特爾重新考慮晶片廠投資案

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Intel Corp. is weighing scuttling a multibillion-dollar investment in a new semiconductor manufacturing plant as efforts to boost the industry stall in Congress, according to the company’s head of government relations.


The company plans to develop and build a facility at a U.S. location yet to be named, representing a boon to the future of the domestic industry, one that may not be possible without government assistance.


“We aren’t going to be able to do that without CHIPS funding,” said Al Thompson, head of U.S. government relations for Intel, referring to legislation that would provide $52 billion in grants and incentives to semiconductor manufacturers.



dither: 動詞,猶豫;名詞(in a dither about sth.),對某事物感到緊張。例句:Stop dithering and make up your mind.(別再猶豫,下定決心吧。)

weigh:動詞,權衡,仔細考慮。例句:We have to weigh all the options before making a decision.(在做決定前,我們得仔細考慮所有選項。)

boon:名詞,有用之物,好處,利益。例句:The rain is a boon for local farmers.(這場雨使當地農民受到裨益。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Intel rethinking chips investment as Congress dithers on funding 由於國會在資金上猶豫不決,英特爾重新考慮晶片廠投資案

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