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中英對照讀新聞》Buck takes shelter inside church on hunting season’s 1st day 雄鹿在狩獵季第一天進到教堂避難

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A 10-point buck sought sanctuary inside a southern Michigan church on opening day of the state’s firearm deer hunting season.


Pastors at Grace Sturgis encountered the buck inside the church’s auditorium on Monday before it leapt through a window and back into the wild.


A video the church posted on Facebook shows the buck wandering around the church. Pastors Amanda and Luke Eicher and Justin Wickey erected barricades in a hallway to try to keep the animal from the rest of the church. At one point, it climbed stairs to a balcony.


The buck didn’t appear to have any gunshot wounds and was bleeding just a bit from what appeared to be cuts from the glass. Besides the broken window, the only other damage was blood stains on the carpet. (AP)



take shelter:片語動詞,指避難。例句:We took shelter from the rain in the convenience store.(我們在便利商店裡躲雨。)

sanctuary:名詞,指聖殿、教堂、祭坊、庇護權、鳥獸禁獵區。例句:The forest seemed to have become a bird sanctuary.(這片森林似乎已成鳥樂園。)

at one point:片語,指在某處、一度。例句:At one point, she started eating vegetarian diet.(她有一陣子開始茹素。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Buck takes shelter inside church on hunting season’s 1st day 雄鹿在狩獵季第一天進到教堂避難

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