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Academics Around the World Write to Xi Jinping: Give Freedom of
Speech Back to the Chinese People February 22, 2020 This open
letter was initiated by professors Andrew Nathan, Perry Link, and
Zhang Lun. Please join them, as many of their colleagues have done,
to sign this letter. Please send your name and affiliation to: The list of signatories will be
updated daily.

Mr. Xi Jinping, President of China:

We are startled and dismayed to learn of the recent forcible arrest
in Guangzhou of Xu Zhiyong, a citizen-activist and holder of the
degree of Doctor of Laws from Peking University.

 It was only a few days ago, on February 6, 2020, that Li
Wenliang, a physician and an early whistle-blower on the spread of
the corona virus in Wuhan, died in his efforts to help his fellow
citizens. When Dr. Li discovered the spread of the virus, he
advised a small circle of his friends and relatives to guard
against it. That act brought police to his door. He was summoned to
a police station, threatened, and ordered him to keep silent about
the virus. This kind of abridgment of freedom of speech turned
China into an open field upon which the virus could have its way
and bring disaster. When the news about Dr. Li got out, a
nationwide torrent of popular indignation followed. Calls for
freedom of speech grew strong.

 The news of Xu Zhiyong’s arbitrary arrest only sharpens the
crisis of freedom of speech in China.

 We are aware of Xu Zhiyong’s many and frank criticisms of the
Chinese government and of you personally. But we recall, too, that
when you came to power in 2012 you announced your intention to
“rule by constitution.” Article 35 of China’s constitution reads:
“Citizens of the People’s Republic of China shall have the freedoms
of speech, the press, assembly, demonstration, and protest.”
Article 41 reads: “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China shall
have the right to present criticisms of and suggestions for any
state organ and any state official.” Xu Zhiyong’s views certainly
do diverge from official government views; but they all fall within
the scope of free expression and critical suggestion guaranteed by
China’s constitution. As a leader of the government, you have a
duty to respect analyses and political opinions that differ from
your own, even if the difference is extreme. To deploy government
organs in the repression of criticism and denial of free speech
violates China’s constitution and diminishes the dignity both of
the Chinese state and of you personally.

 Accordingly, we feel compelled to express our profound
concern over the arrest of Xu Zhiyong (and the arrests of his
friends Ding Jiaxi, Zhang Zhongshun, Dai Zhenya, and Li Yingjun on
26 December 2019); we ask the Chinese government to show that it
has absorbed the lesson of the Li Wenliang episode by immediately
releasing the innocent citizens Xu Zhiyong and his colleagues, by
ceasing abuses of citizens’ rights forthwith, and by returning
freedom of speech to the Chinese people.









發表於 2020年2⽉23⽇ 編輯 淩江峰 編者:公開信是由黎安友、林培瑞和張倫教授發起的。像許多他們的

2020年2⽉22⽇ 聯署⼈:

1. Tomoko Ako, University of Tokyo 阿古智⼦, 東京⼤學教授

2. Geremie R Barmé, Australian National University ⽩傑明, 澳⼤利

3. Robert Barnett, SOAS University of London 倫敦⼤學亞⾮學院研 究員

4. Jean-Philippe Béja, Institut de politique de Paris ⽩夏, 巴黎政治

5. Joseph Bosco, The Hill Newspaper 《國會⼭報》專欄作家

6. Anthony W Bradley, Edinburgh University/Oxford University 愛

7. Anne-Marie Brady, University of Canterbury 坎特伯雷⼤學教授

8. Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Hong Kong Baptist University ⾹港浸會⼤ 學教授

9. Kevin Carrico, Monash University 凱⼤熊, 莫那什⼤學資深研究員

10. Josephine Chiu-Duke, Professor, Asian Studies Department,
University of British Columbia 不列顛哥倫⽐亞⼤學教授

11. Donald Clarke, George Washington University 郭丹⻘, 喬治華盛 頓⼤學教授

12. Jerome A. Cohen, New York University 孔傑榮, 紐約⼤學資深教 授

13. Alison W. Conner, University of Hawaii at Manoa 夏威夷⼤學⻢

14. Michael C. Davis, Columbia University戴⼤為, 哥倫⽐亞⼤學教授

15. Larry Diamond, Stanford University 戴雅⻔, 斯坦福⼤學教授

16. June Teufel Dreyer, University of Miami ⾦德芳, 邁阿密⼤學教授

 17. Michael S. Duke, Emeritus Professor, Asian Studies
Department, University of British Columbia 杜邁可, 不列顛哥倫⽐亞⼤學榮休教 授

18. Marion Eggert, Ruhr University Bochum 梅綺雯, 波鴻⼤學教授

19. Joseph W. Esherick, University of California, San Diego 周錫瑞,

20. Feng Chongyi, University of Technology Sydney 馮崇義, 悉尼科

21. Antonia Finnane, University of Melbourne 墨爾本⼤學教授

22. Magnus Fiskesjo, Cornell University ⾺思中, 康奈爾⼤學副教授

23. Martin S. Flaherty, Princeton University 普林斯頓⼤學教授

24. Eli Friedman, Cornell University 康奈爾⼤學副教授

25. Edward Friedman, University of Wisconsin 威斯康星⼤學榮休教 授

26. Terence Halliday, Australian National University 澳⼤利亞國⽴

27. Andrew James Harding, National University of Singapore 安德 馨,

28. Nicholas Calvin Howson, University of Michigan Law School 郝 ⼭,

29. Victoria Hui, University of Notre Dame 許⽥波, 聖⺟⼤學副教授

30. Katrin Kinzelbach, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg ⽯⼩琳, 紐倫堡⼤學 教授

31. Thomas E. Kellogg, Georgetown University Law Center 郭湯姆,

32. Heinz Klug, University of Wisconsin 威斯康星⼤學教授

33. Steven I. Levine, University of Montana 蒙塔納⼤學教授

34. Margaret K. Lewis, Seton Hall University 陸梅吉, 塞頓霍爾⼤學 教授

35. Perry Link, University of California at Riverside 林培瑞, 加州⼤

36. Barrett L. McCormick, Professor of Political Science
Department, Marquette University ⻢凱特⼤學政治學教授

37. Andrew Nathan, University of Columbia 黎安友, 哥倫⽐亞⼤學教 授

38. Mareike Ohlberg, Mercator Institute for China Studies 墨卡托中

39. Minxin Pei, Claremont McKenna College 裴敏欣, 克萊蒙特·⻨肯 納學院教授

40. Eva Pils, King’s College London 艾華, 倫敦國王學院教授

41. Pitman B. Potter, University of British Columbia 不列顛哥倫⽐亞

42. Heiner Roetz, Bochum University 羅德海, 波鴻⼤學教授

43. Wojciech Sadurski, University of Sydney/University of Warsaw
薩德沃, 悉尼⼤學/華沙⼤學教授

44. David Schak, Griffith University 澳⼤利亞格⾥菲斯⼤學榮休教授

45. Cheryl Saunders, University of Melbourne 桑雪麗, 墨爾本⼤學教 授

46. James Simpson, Harvard University 哈佛⼤學教授

47. Mahendra P. Singh, National Law University, Delhi ⾟默涵, 印度

48. Dorothy J. Solinger, University of California, Irvine 加州⼤學爾

49. Ken Suzuki, Meiji University 鈴⽊賢, 明治⼤學教授

50. Teng Biao, City University of New York 滕彪, 紐約城市⼤學兼任 教授

51. Edith Terry, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ⾹

52. Glenn Tiffert, Hoover Institution 譚安, 胡佛研究所研究員

53. Rory Truex, Princeton University 普林斯頓⼤學助理教授

54. Steve Tsang, SOAS University of London 倫敦⼤學亞⾮學院教授

55. Alex Wang, UCLA 王⽴德, 加州⼤學洛杉磯分校教授

56. Jeremy Webber, University of Victoria ⻙傑儒, 加拿⼤維多利亞 ⼤學教授

57. Martin K. Whyte, John Zwaanstra Professor of International
Studies and Sociology, Emeritus, Department of Sociology, Harvard
University 懷默霆, 哈佛⼤學榮休教授

58. Andrea Worden, John Hopkins University 吳⽟婷, 霍普⾦斯⼤學 兼任教授

59. Ming Xia, CUNY-Gradute Center 夏明, 紐約城市⼤學研究⽣院教授

60. Stephen M. Young, Global Taiwan Institute 全球台灣研究所研究 員

61. Lun Zhang, Universitéde Cergy-Pontoise 張倫, 法國賽爾奇·蓬多瓦茲⼤學教授


62. Patricia Adams, Probe International

63. Ellen Bahr, Librarian, Herrick Memorial Library, Alfred
University 阿爾弗雷德⼤學

64. David Brophy, University of Sydney 悉尼⼤學

65. Jie Cai, American University 蔡傑,美利堅⼤學講師

66. Yu-Jie Chen, Global Academic Fellow, Hong Kong University
Faculty of Law 陳⽟潔,⾹港⼤學研究員

67. Duncan Campbell, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

68. Harriet Evans, Westminster University 艾樺,威敏寺⼤學教授

69. Andreas Fulda, University of Nottingham 傅洛達,諾丁漢⼤學

0. Sharyn Graham Davies, Associate Professor, Auckland University
of Technology, New Zealand 新⻄蘭奧克蘭理⼯⼤學

71. Stephen J. Epstein, Associate Professor in Asian Studies,
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand 新⻄蘭維多利亞⼤學

72. Ling Guan, Lecturer, Institute of the Pacific United, New
Zealand 新⻄蘭國際太平洋學院

73. Marie Holzman, Solidarité Chine 侯芷明,中國團結協會主席, 巴黎第七⼤學退休漢學家

74. Pauline Keating 新⻄蘭維多利亞⼤學研究員

75. Paul Levine, Professor Emeritus, Copenhagen University 哥本哈

76. Winston Lord, former US Ambassador to China 溫斯頓·洛德,美 國前駐華⼤使

77. Paola Paderni, Associate Professor of History and Institutions
of China, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy 意⼤利那不勒斯東⽅

78. Robert Reginio, Alfred University 阿爾弗雷德⼤學教授

79. Sue Trevaskes, Griffith University, Australia 格⾥菲斯⼤學教授

80. Paola Voci, University of Otago ⻬娜,奧塔哥⼤學副教授

81. Chaohua Wang, Ph.D of Modern Chinese Literature and Culture,
UCLA, Independent Scholar 王超華,獨⽴學者

82. Robert D. Williams, Yale University 耶魯⼤學講師

83. Jason Young, Victoria University of Wellington 楊傑⽣, 新⻄蘭


84. Scott Waldron, Senior Lecturer, The University of Queensland,
Australia 澳⼤利亞昆⼠蘭⼤學

85. Koen Wellens, University of Oslo 奧斯陸⼤學副教授

86. Martin Hála, Charles University, Prague 布拉格查理⼤學

87. Mendo Castro Henriques, Universidade Católica Portuguesa 葡

88. Robert Benewick, Emeritus Professor of Politics, University of
Sussex 英國薩塞克斯⼤學

89. Terry Weidner, University of Montana 蒙塔納⼤學教授

90. Bienvenido Macario, MEG Macario Foundation, Managing

91. Jessica C. Teets, Associate Professor, Political Science
Department, Middlebury College 趙娜,明德學院政治學副教授

92. Malcolm McKinnon, Victoria University of Wellington, New
Zealand 新⻄蘭維多利亞⼤學

93. Mark Zupan, president and economics professor, Alfred
University 阿爾弗雷德⼤學校⻑,經濟學教授

94. Pat LaCourse, Alfred University 阿爾弗雷德⼤學

95. Mark Sidel, Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law and Public Affairs,
University of Wisconsin-Madison 威斯康⾟⼤學法律與公共事務教授

96. Michael W. Dowdle, Associate Professor, National University of
Singapore Faculty of Law 新加坡國⽴⼤學法學副教授

97. Andre Laliberte, Professor, School of political studies,
University of Ottawa, Canada 加拿⼤渥太華⼤學政治學教授

98. Nguyen Quang A, Civil Society Forum, Hanoi, Vietnam 越南公⺠

99. Dao Tien Thi, Master of Art, Viet Nam Education Publishing
House, Viet Nam 越南教育出版社
