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中英對照讀新聞》Injured Swiss cows get helicopter ride from Alpine pastures 受傷的瑞士乳牛從阿爾卑斯山牧場搭直升機

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Cows injured during their summer sojourn in the high Swiss Alpine meadows got a jump on their healthier herdmates on Friday when they got helicopter rides down the mountain.


A dozen beasts got the lift to land near the Klausenpass mountain pass, around 1,950 metres above sea level.


Despite the dramatic transport, dairy farmer Jonas Arnold said the airlifted cows didn’t seem too fazed by their aerial trip.


The rest of the 1,000-strong herd was due to head down this weekend to the Urnerboden area in the central canton of Uri in the annual bovine parade.



sojourn:名詞、動詞,指逗留、旅居。例句:His sojourn in that hostel was thankfully short.(幸好他逗留那間旅社的時間很短。)

get a jump on:片語,指搶在之前。例句:I have to leave work early so I can get a jump on the traffic.(我得早下班,這樣才能趕在尖峰時段之前。)

due:形容詞,指應支付的、欠款的、應有的、正當的、合適的;名詞,指應得之物、應得權益、應付款。例句:Her absence was due to the accident.(她因事故沒來。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Injured Swiss cows get helicopter ride from Alpine pastures 受傷的瑞士乳牛從阿爾卑斯山牧場搭直升機

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