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中英對照讀新聞》Report: Births decline in pandemic may have turned corner 報告:疫情期間降低的出生率或許已經好轉

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While there has been a decline in births in the U.S. during the pandemic, a new report released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau suggests the drop may have turned a corner last March as births started rebounding.


“This trend suggests that some people who postponed having babies last year had them this year,” said Anne Morse, a Census Bureau demographer in the report.


“The winter decrease in births may have been prompted by couples who consciously chose to delay having children amid the uncertainty of the pandemic. It may also have been influenced by stress or limited physical interaction with a sexual partner.” (AP)



turn the corner:片語,好轉,脫險。例句:I believe that we will turn the corner on these issues.(我相信我們會克服這些問題。)

prompt:動詞,引起、導致;形容詞,敏捷的,立即的。例句:They gave my a very prompt reply.(他們很快就給我回覆。)

consciously:副詞,有意識地、自覺地;conscious (of sth.):形容詞,意識到(某事)。例句:We are conscious of the danger we face.(我們意識到我們面臨的危險。)

華客新聞 | 時事與歷史:中英對照讀新聞》Report: Births decline in pandemic may have turned corner 報告:疫情期間降低的出生率或許已經好轉

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